Welcome to Christmas dinner :)
This was my dining room at lunch time today. Thank goodness for my grandmother gifting me the contents of her china cabinet when she moved into assisted living at age 99. I used her silver cruet set, a couple of her crystal bowls and out of tradition, my late maternal grandmothers china gravy boat and matching bowl for the roast potatoes.
We were woken by the wee girl bearing coffee at 7am, she was awoken at 5am by her elder brother (15!) and together they spent a good two hours watching cartoons and inspecting their wrapped gifts, no doubt guessing what was enclosed within.
I started the turkey about 9:30, the ham was already glazed and ready. The wee girl helped me by peeling potatoes for roasting and washing new potatoes for boiling. We made egg salad out of the eggs she boiled, a green salad with fresh tomatoes, camembert cheese, celery and spring onion. Then we made a trifle for dessert.
We all sat together at the table, with its crisp white cloth threaded with silver and toasted a Merry Christmas with sparkling grape juice.
A wonderful festive family meal was enjoyed and then we cleaned up and the dogs got the table scraps as a treat. After clean up we all (dogs included) adjourned to various parts of the house to sleep off the heavy meal for an hour or two, then it was off down to the park on foot to play with the radio controlled helicopter I got my husband for Christmas.
Many crashes and much laughter followed. It wasn't an expensive gift but my husband B just loves such intricate and clever things.
Our evening meal was leftovers, ham sandwiches and salad.
The kids tired out by their early rising were in bed early which left B and I out in the living room on our own with plenty of time to be together.
I hope you had a Merry Christmas, or have one if you haven't had it yet.
Best wishes to all. xxx
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