Wednesday, 28 March 2012


Yesterday morning was hectic, my brother's ship berthed at 0915.  We had to get the kids to school and get ourselves into town during rush hour.

Out the door at 8am, drive the Man Child and his enormous hockey bag full of sticks, shin pads and prized uniform far enough away from school that nobody sees him being dropped off, but close enough that he doesn't have to hump the whole kit and caboodle too far.  It's a fine balance being the mother of a teenaged boy!

Back up the hill to the WG's friends house to pick her up, oh and her Mother wants a ride to the local pony club so she can do her volunteer work with the disabled, ugh, in a hurry but how can I refuse some poor little disabled kids their weekly ride?  Drop the girls at their school (by now it's 8.30) back up the road, around the corner and drop friends Mum to Pony Club.  Finally we are on our way!

On the Motorway I amuse myself by taking pictures out the window while the hubs makes dire predictions about our ability to get to the wharf in time...

Traffic is moving, stop/start but moving.  I am serene...

Look how calm the water is!  There is a fine mist over the harbor and that's Pt Chevalier, so we are closer and still moving.  I remain indifferent to the hubs predictions of disaster.

Just as we are getting off the motorway, I get a text from Little Brother, they're off and at Shed 23.  I text back that we are mere minutes away.  And we were, 5 minutes later my LB is hugging the stuffing out of me and I am fighting back tears of joy that he's here hugging me.

We stop at the Wynyard Quarter for coffee and a catch up.  Last year when he was here bringing his fiancé and their respective children to see us (2nd marriage they have 1 boy and 3 girls between them, the eldest is 11 soon) the Wynyard Quarter was still being constructed.

On a walk about the hubs and bro found this incredibly exciting:

I don't know if it's a boat car or a car boat?

We headed out to Middle Brother's house and once we were together we called our Father to wish him a happy 70th birthday.  Then we set about planning the execution of our trip to Kaitaia.  We plan to travel in convoy, there is food to buy and the discussion about exactly what food to buy were extensive!  LB is a butcher so meat was paramount to him, it's got to be quality and he couldn't see the issue with having a spit roast lamb dinner following a roast beef sandwich lunch.  To him it's a completely different beast, to us it's two lots of roasted meat in a row...

The beer was flowing, the conversation wide and varied and we sat chatting until I realized it was 9pm, half an hour past the WG's bedtime.

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